Turkish get-up
Turkish get up is a functional movement that does not work a specific muscle but many muscles at the same time. Turkish get up is an exercise that provides insight into how you move and is a key of achieving a balance and stronger body.
The point is with big lifts you can sacrifice some mobility in order to again stability. Turkish get up can help you to put the mobility back, in particular shoulder action, which has a tendency to get tight. A lot of people has the tendency to go aesthetics and don’t care about functional strength.
Back in the days, the one-arm get-up was like a test for strong man. Nowadays, the Turkish get-up is done in order to gain strength and symmetry of movement.
- Improves shoulder mobility, stability and control
- Increase core strength and endurance
- Hip and ankle mobility
- Rotation and extension of thoracic
- The open and close chain of shoulder stability
- Corrective primal movement pattern
- Action a development sense of body control
There is still a lot more benefits that Turkish get-up can promote to your body and mind. That’s a very essential exercise, I include in my programs either for athletes or in rehabilitation. It’s an exercise that will challenge their mind working through the nervous system and strengthening all body. I highly recommend it.