Deadlift the king of compound exercises
The King, that’s how people call Deadlift, the manliest exercise, which is better then squat in my opinion. There is not other exercise that provides as many benefits to the body as does deadlift.
That exercise sadly its avoided from people because is not a confortable movement to perform, it can be risky if you do it wrong, but if you learn a proper technique, you will feel the benefits. There are many different types of deadlift so you can progress towards a big lift. The most commercial gyms don’t even have an Olympic platform, which discourage people to do.
What do you get from Deadlifting?
Core strength
Improves you posture and stability. Definitely is the exercise to develop your core strength. The Deadlift strengthens and supports muscles of the waist, backside, hips, and lower back improving posture. You will find yourself walking better, with a proper posture after a few months of practice. It is important to have a strong core to maintain healthy posture and prevent back problems.
Improve performance
Deadlift employs more muscles group that can emphasis on various performance aids. It increases power and ability to exert great force in short period of time, helping athletes to improve their performance. E.g. a tennis player returning serve, a surfer get powerful turns, BJJ fighter attacking an opponent, a swimmer faster start. Deadlift makes a big difference in performances.
Testosterone Increase
To increase your human growth hormone and testosterone levels, deadlifting benefits have no equal other than squats. Many muscles in your body are activated boosting your testosterone, therefore you will develop more muscle, less fat, more ability to do things, enabling your body to build denser bones preventing osteoporosis, weight control, energy, prevent diabetes and others.
Functional Strength
Deadlift strengthens and educate your body to improve movement patterns like bending and others forms of physical labor; it also helps to develop a stronger grip.